Listening to ourselves is scary but the alternative is terrifying

I am an absolute whirl of emotion right now. Ever since I really started listening to myself, that inner voice and the way my body reacts to things, and responded to it, I've been asked to make tiny and huge changes. 

I know from past experience that blissful periods after I've done the hard thing(s), but then I'm called to act again. It's worth it, always, but GOD it can suck.

I'm in one of those phases right now. Knowing big changes are calling but scared, confused and digging my heels in a little. 

There's a reason that people stay in jobs, relationships and cities that they aren't that happy with – listening to ourselves and acting on what we hear sets off our fear response.


The fear part of our minds goes into overdrive about all that we will lose, how we will be poor, rejected and miserable. 

It scares us into submission and so we go another day, another year, another decade, too frightened to attend to the changes we are being asked to make.

What do you miss out on by ignoring yourself?

Peace, adventure, contentment, knowing and being our true selves.

To respond to yourself authentically, you must be courageous, stepping forward even when you are truly afraid. 

Sure, sometimes it feels fun and easy but it's not always easy.

Sometimes it is agonising and excruciating.


“... the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin.

It gets really painful to resist the change or the action.

I know when I'm needing to make big changes when I dive into old patterns of avoidance. 

I eat and eat. I go online again and again. I procrastinate. I want to sleep a lot.

I resist even though I can coach myself about my thinking, because the fear is huge. 

I resist even though I know I like myself so much better after I act, even though I know that fear thoughts are lies and that I can cope with anything life throws at me eventually, because I have me and am held by something greater. 

I resist these big things and make little steps in the direction I know I must go, then I forget for a while, then resist again.

It's okay to go slow

I think that our bodies, minds and spirits need time, sometimes, to work through the layers of fear. To let go, bit by bit of the things we thought we needed.

The alternative to listening and moving forward is horrible

Change is a certainty in life.

We can either choose to act in favour of what we are called to do, to become more deeply ourselves, more deeply peaceful and fulfilled or we can choose to ignore and resist, getting stagnant, flat and avoiding living.

Not much of a choice, really: Freedom or imprisoned by fear.

Learning to work with fear and understand what you really want in life are cornerstones of living free and fulfilling lives.

Revive:Melbourne is starting next weekend on the 18th September!! Join Chafia and I for a transformative three weeks of mini-workshops (two hours, 1-3pm Sunday 18th, 25th Sept and 1st October) to spend time reconnecting your mind and body, to get a handle on fear, make goals and work from the outside in and the inside out to shift your life in the right direction. Buy your tickets today and start the next chapter of your life.

Next month on the 15th October, I'll be running a two hour power session in Canberra, concentrating on understanding and working successfully with fear, learning how to gauge what you really want using your body as a 'compass' and to set meaningful and exciting goals. Three things sure to have your life moving in the direction you want! Get clear, confident and upskilled so that you can be your best advisor in life. Join us at Unblocked:Canberra. The place for people on a mission for their best lives. 

With love,
Lara xx

P.S. I'll be blogging a little less often now (it was twice a week) and doing monthly newsletters from now on. Life is overflowing and I'll all about walking the talk, so I'm reigning things in a bit! People get too many emails anyway, so this will be good for everyone ;) If you want to make sure you get all my posts, like my page on Facebook.

Thanks for your support and for sharing my work. I am so delighted that it resonates with so many people. That's what it's hear for!

Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I coach successful 30 and 40 somethings who want more fulfilling or bigger careers but doubt themselves and their options. I help them get out of their own way, find direction and go for what they really want.

Connect with me via Facebook and Instagram.